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Faculty & Staff Directory

Tom Scales
Adjunct - Horticulture
Dillon Scott
Library Circulation Assistant
Samantha Shannon
Instructor of History
Angel Shelton
Assistant Professor of Nursing
Hanna Shortridge
Testing Center
Testing Center Assistant
Taylor Skeens
Business Office
Cashier/Fiscal Assistant
David Smith
Mathematics, Physics
Associate Professor of Mathematics and Physics
Doug Smith
Religion - Adjunct
Jillian Smith
Adjunct - Math
Kathy Smith
Health Information Management, Business Management, Adjunct Faculty
Adjunct Instructor
Mary Snead
Business Office, Financial Management
Finance Manager
Kayla Spencer
Buildings and Grounds
Office Assistant, Buildings & Grounds
Jacob Spraker
Adjunct Faculty, History
Adjunct Faculty - History
Shane Stallard
Adjunct - Horticulture
Katherine Stephens
Nursing & Allied Health
Assistant Professor of Nursing
Danny Thomas
Buildings and Grounds
Buildings and Grounds Technician
Vota Thomas
Workforce Development & Continuing Education
Office Manager
Mike Thompson
Buildings and Grounds
Trades Technician III
Jim Thornton
Adjunct Faculty - Religion/Philosophy
Eva Sue Tilson
Adjunct - Education
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