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Faculty & Staff Directory

Brandon Hensley
Student Services
Recruitment and Engagement Coordinator
Bethaney Hilt
Simulation Lab Instructor
Lindsey Holderfield
Adjunct - Geography
Martha Holmes
Buildings and Grounds
Housekeeping Worker
Joyce Horn
Buildings and Grounds
Housekeeping Worker
Lee Hunt
Dean of Professional & Technical Studies
Adam Hutchison
President's Office
Jo Hutton
Dual Enrollment
College Navigator - Virginia High School
Ella Jackson
Student Services
Financial Aid Specialist
Patricia “Diane” Jackson
Financial Aid
Veterans Certifying Official and Financial Aid Specialist
Jessica Jennings
Nursing, Nursing & Allied Health
Assistant Professor of Nursing
Josh Jones
Adjunct Faculty - History
Julianna Jones
English, Moose Academic Resource Center
MARC Coordinator/English Adjunct
Paula Jones
Bookstore Team Leader
Robert Jones
Geography - Adjunct
Kathryn Justice
Assistant Professor of Nursing
Robyn Kealey
Associate Instructor of Nursing
Johnnie Keene
Assistant Professor of Machine Technology
Becky Kell
Campus Connection Center
Connections Coach
Paige Kelly
Admissions & Records, Student Services
Coordinator of Admissions and Records
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