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Faculty & Staff Directory

Mark Hagy
Adjunct Faculty, History
Adjunct Instructor - History
Brian Hale
Director of Southwest Virginia Engineering Consortium
Joseph Hamil
Campus Connection Center
G3 Coach
Amy Hampton
Associate Professor of Nursing
Keith Harless
Instructor of Diesel Mechanics
Trevor Harrison
Trevor Harrison
Financial Aid
Veteran's Affairs and Financial Aid Advisor
N/A Helpdesk
Jim Helton
Adjunct - OSHA General Industry
Brandon Hensley
Student Services
Recruitment and Engagement Coordinator
Bethaney Hilt
Simulation Lab Instructor
Lindsey Holderfield
Adjunct - Geography
Martha Holmes
Buildings and Grounds
Housekeeping Worker
Joyce Horn
Buildings and Grounds
Housekeeping Worker
Lee Hunt
Dean of Professional & Technical Studies
Adam Hutchison
President's Office
Jo Hutton
Dual Enrollment
College Navigator - Virginia High School
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