Tonya came to VHCC as an adult learner to upgrade her employment skills and, following her graduation with an Associate's Degree in Business Administration, transferred to King University. She earned a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from King in 2015.
Tonya served as Clerk for the Town of Damascus from 2001 to 2008, and then joined the Abingdon Convention and Visitors Bureau as Sales Manager and Director of Visitor Services. She also worked as Deputy Town Clerk for the Town of Abingdon for just over a year before taking her current position as Abingdon’s Community Development Coordinator. In that role, she works closely with new and existing businesses to build relationships, promote growth, and encourage the community to shop locally.
Awards & Personal Life
Tonya and her husband, Glenn, live in Damascus and have two grown children, both of whom attended VHCC. Justin currently works at Eastman Chemical Co. and Teea is a preschool teacher at Meadowview Elementary. Tonya has served the community through her volunteer efforts with the United Way, the Washington County Chamber, the Washington County Fair, and The Crooked Road. Her hobbies include yoga at the Coomes Center and refinishing furniture.